22ἀνθρώπῳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 2nd Decl.) ἄνθρωπος, -ου, ὁ ανθρωπ·ῳ (mas) dat sg person "man, both as a generic term and of individuals" (Liddell, Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon) Often means "human being", but can refer specifically to a man/men (when required by context).ἐάν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.τινι[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Indefinite Numeral) τὶ[ν]ς[2] τὶ[ν], gen. τινός, dat. τινί, acc. τινά τὶ τιν·ι neu dat sg or mas dat sg or fem dat sg someone/anyone indefinite pronoun; someone, something, anyone, anything. Specific(certain-one/some) determined from text-markings/context, otherwise non-specific (anyone/several).γένηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb γίνομαι/γίγν- (γιν-/γιγν-, γενη·σ-, 2nd γεν-, γεγον·[κ]-, γεγενη-, γενη·θ-) γεν·ηται 2aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-BECOME-ed become; happen; be ("as a substitute for the forms of εἰμί" --BAGD)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]χρωτὸς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) χρώ[τ]ς, -ωτός, ὁ χρωτ·ος (mas) gen sg skin αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; οὐλὴ σημασίας τηλαυγὴς καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyγένηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb γίνομαι/γίγν- (γιν-/γιγν-, γενη·σ-, 2nd γεν-, γεγον·[κ]-, γεγενη-, γενη·θ-) γεν·ηται 2aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-BECOME-ed become; happen; be ("as a substitute for the forms of εἰμί" --BAGD)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]χρωτὸς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) χρώ[τ]ς, -ωτός, ὁ χρωτ·ος (mas) gen sg skin αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; ἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)λέπρας[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·ας; λεπρ·ας (fem) gen sg; fem gen sg or fem acc pl leprosy; leprous ; καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἀχθήσεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ἄγω (αγ-, αξ-, 2nd αγαγ-, αγειοχ·[κ]-, ηγ-, αχ·θ-) αγ·θησεται fut θη ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-LEAD-ed bring, arrestπρὸς[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition πρός προς indecl toward (+acc,+gen,+dat) Indicative of "nearness/motion/orientation-toward" in-order-to "interface/interact-with or address/respond-to". Hence, toward/at/to/with/nearby/beside, pertaining/according-to, in-comparison-with, against(when interaction involves oppoΑαρων[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. Indecl.) Ἀαρών, ὁ ααρων (mas) indecl Aaron τὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ον mas acc sg the simple articleἱερέα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·α (mas) acc sg priest ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἕνα[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Cardinal Numeral) εἷς[2] μία ἕν, gen. sg. ἑνός μιᾶς ἑνός ε[ι]ν·α mas acc sg one τῶν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ων neu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen pl the simple articleυἱῶν[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 2nd Decl.) υἱός, -ου, ὁ, voc. pl. υἱοί υι·ων (mas) gen pl sons αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; τῶν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ων neu gen pl or mas gen pl or fem gen pl the simple articleἱερέων[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ων (mas) gen pl priests Lv 13:2
Homo, in cujus cute et carne ortus fuerit diversus color, sive pustula, aut quasi lucens quippiam, id est, plaga lepræ, adducetur ad Aaron sacerdotem, vel ad unum quemlibet filiorum ejus.
33καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyὄψεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) οφ·σεται fut mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest τὴν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ην fem acc sg the simple articleἁφὴν[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·ην (fem) acc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]τοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleχρωτὸς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) χρώ[τ]ς, -ωτός, ὁ χρωτ·ος (mas) gen sg skin αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleθρὶξ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl., irreg.) θρίξ, τριχός, ἡ, dat. pl. θριξίν τριχ·ς > irreg. θριξ (fem) nom|voc sg hair ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple articleἁφῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Verb ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ; ἀφ·ίημι (ath. αφ+ι(ε)-, αφ+η·σ-, αφ+η·κ- or 2nd ath. αφ+(ε)-, -, αφ+ει-/αφ+εω-, αφ+ε·θ-) αφ·ῃ; αφ·(ε)·ῃ (fem) dat sg; 2aor act sub 3rd sg or 2aor mp sub 2nd sg ligament; he/she/it-should-SEND AWAY, you(sg)-should-be-SEND AWAY-ed (connection, LXX plague, infection); dismiss/forgive, let-be, divorce, send-away, allow/permit.μεταβάλῃ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μετα·βάλλω (μετα+βαλλ-, μετα+βαλ(ε)·[σ]-, 2nd μετα+βαλ-, μετα+βεβλη·κ-, -, -) μετα·βαλ(ε)·[σ]ῃ, μετα·βαλ·ῃ fut mp ind 2nd sg, 2aor act sub 3rd sg or 2aor mp sub 2nd sg you(sg)-will-be-CHANGE/ALTER-ed, he/she/it-should-CHANGE/ALTER, you(sg)-should-be-CHANGE/ALTER-ed λευκή[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λευκός -ή -όν λευκ·η fem nom|voc sg white καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleὄψις[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl.) ὄψις, -εως, ἡ οψ(ι)·ς (fem) nom sg sight τῆς[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ης fem gen sg the simple articleἁφῆς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·ης (fem) gen sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)ταπεινὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) ταπεινός -ή -όν ταπειν·η fem nom|voc sg lowly [abase, humble, humiliate, submissive]ἀπὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἀπό απο indecl from (G575) – starting from (coming from, since [the start of], in order from), away/out from (from among), sent by, removingly from, receptively from, resulting/produced from, or because of (due to). ἀπ’ before smooth breathing, ἀφ’ before rough breathingτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleδέρματος[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ος (neu) gen sg skin [see dermatology]τοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleχρωτός[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) χρώ[τ]ς, -ωτός, ὁ χρωτ·ος (mas) gen sg skin ἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)λέπρας[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·ας; λεπρ·ας (fem) gen sg; fem gen sg or fem acc pl leprosy; leprous ; ἐστίν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyὄψεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) οφ·σεται fut mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyμιανεῖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μιαίνω (μιαιν-, μιαν(ε)·[σ]-, μιαν·[σ]-, -, μεμιαν-, μιαν·θ-) μιαν(ε)·[σ]ει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-POLLUTE, you(sg)-will-be-POLLUTE-ed αὐτόν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same Lv 13:3
Qui cum viderit lepram in cute, et pilos in album mutatos colorem, ipsamque speciem lepræ humiliorem cute et carne reliqua : plaga lepræ est, et ad arbitrium ejus separabitur.
66καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyὄψεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) οφ·σεται fut mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.αὐτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest τῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple articleἡμέρᾳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἡμέρα, -ας -ἡ ημερ·ᾳ (fem) dat sg day τῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple articleἑβδόμῃ[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Ordinal Numeral) ἕβδομος -η -ον εβδομ·ῃ fem dat sg seventh τὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ο neu nom|acc sg the simple articleδεύτερον[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Ordinal Numeral) δεύτερος -α -ον δευτερ·ον neu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sg second καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἰδοὺ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) ιδ·ου 2aor mp imp 2nd sg be-you(sg)-SEE/BEHOLD-ed! Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both. ἀμαυρὰ ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleἁφή[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)οὐ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle οὐ[2]/οὐκ/οὐχ ου indecl not Often written "οὐκ" before smooth breathing, "οὐχ" before rough breathing, "οὐ" before consonants.μετέπεσεν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μετα·πίπτω [LXX] (-, μετα+πεσ(ε)·[σ]-, μετα+πεσ·[σ]-, -, -, -) μετα·ε·πεσ·[σ]ε(ν) 1aor act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-FALL DIFFERENTLY-ed--UNDERGO-A-CHANGE in mind, change one's opinion suddenly; of place, migrate, be transferred; of conditions, circumstances, etc. freq. of political changes, undergo revolution; c. gen. rei, fall from, fail of; of property, to be transferredἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]καθαριεῖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb καθαρίζω (καθαριζ-, καθαρι(ε)·[σ]-/καθαρι·σ-, καθαρι·σ-, -, κεκαθαρισ-, καθαρισ·θ-) καθαρι(ε)·[σ]ει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-PURIFY, you(sg)-will-be-PURIFY-ed cleanseαὐτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεύς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest σημασία γάρ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction γάρ γαρ indecl for since, asἐστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyπλυνάμενος[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb πλύνω (πλυν-, πλυν(ε)·[σ]-, πλυν·[σ]-, -, -, πλυ·θ-) πλυν·[σ]αμεν·ος 1aor mp ptcp mas nom sg upon being-WASH-ed τὰ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·α neu nom|acc pl the simple articleἱμάτια[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) ἱμάτιον, -ου, τό ιματι·α (neu) nom|acc|voc pl garments clothing, usually outer; clothκαθαρὸς[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) καθαρός -ά -όν καθαρ·ος mas nom sg clean ἔσται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) irreg. (εσ)·[σε]ται (instead of (εσ)·σεται > εσεται) fut mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be Lv 13:6
Et die septimo contemplabitur : si obscurior fuerit lepra, et non creverit in cute, mundabit eum, quia scabies est : lavabitque homo vestimenta sua, et mundus erit.
77ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)]μεταβαλοῦσα[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μετα·βάλλω (μετα+βαλλ-, μετα+βαλ(ε)·[σ]-, 2nd μετα+βαλ-, μετα+βεβλη·κ-, -, -) μετα·βαλ(ε)·[σ]ουσ·α, μετα·βαλ·ουσ·α fut act ptcp fem nom|voc sg, 2aor act ptcp fem nom|voc sg going-to-CHANGE/ALTER, upon CHANGE/ALTER-ing μεταπέσῃ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μετα·πίπτω [LXX] (-, μετα+πεσ(ε)·[σ]-, μετα+πεσ·[σ]-, -, -, -) μετα·πεσ(ε)·[σ]ῃ, μετα·πεσ·[σ]ῃ fut mp ind 2nd sg, 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sg you(sg)-will-be-FALL DIFFERENTLY-ed--UNDERGO-A-CHANGE, he/she/it-should-FALL DIFFERENTLY--UNDERGO-A-CHANGE, you(sg)-should-be-FALL DIFFERENTLY-ed--UNDERGO-A-CHANGE in mind, change one's opinion suddenly; of place, migrate, be transferred; of conditions, circumstances, etc. freq. of political changes, undergo revolution; c. gen. rei, fall from, fail of; of property, to be transferredἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple article σημασία ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]μετὰ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition μετά μετα indecl after/against(+acc), with(+gen) Truncated before vowels: μετ’ (smooth breathing), μεθ’ (rough breathing).τὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ο neu nom|acc sg the simple articleἰδεῖν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) ιδ·ειν 2aor act inf to-SEE/BEHOLD Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.αὐτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same τὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ον mas acc sg the simple articleἱερέα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·α (mas) acc sg priest τοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleκαθαρίσαι[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb καθαρίζω (καθαριζ-, καθαρι(ε)·[σ]-/καθαρι·σ-, καθαρι·σ-, -, κεκαθαρισ-, καθαρισ·θ-) καθαρι·σαι 1aor act inf or 1aor mp imp 2nd sg or 1aor act opt 3rd sg to-PURIFY, be-you(sg)-PURIFY-ed!, he/she/it-happens-to-PURIFY cleanseαὐτόν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyὀφθήσεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) οφ·θησεται fut θη ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.τὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ο neu nom|acc sg the simple articleδεύτερον[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Ordinal Numeral) δεύτερος -α -ον δευτερ·ον neu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sg second τῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleἱερεῖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ι (mas) dat sg priest Lv 13:7
Quod si postquam a sacerdote visus est, et redditus munditiæ, iterum lepra creverit : adducetur ad eum,
99καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)λέπρας[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·ας; λεπρ·ας (fem) gen sg; fem gen sg or fem acc pl leprosy; leprous ; ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.γένηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb γίνομαι/γίγν- (γιν-/γιγν-, γενη·σ-, 2nd γεν-, γεγον·[κ]-, γεγενη-, γενη·θ-) γεν·ηται 2aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-BECOME-ed become; happen; be ("as a substitute for the forms of εἰμί" --BAGD)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongἀνθρώπῳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 2nd Decl.) ἄνθρωπος, -ου, ὁ ανθρωπ·ῳ (mas) dat sg person "man, both as a generic term and of individuals" (Liddell, Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon) Often means "human being", but can refer specifically to a man/men (when required by context).καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἥξει[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb; Verb ἥκω (ηκ-, ηξ-, ηξ-, ηκ·[κ]-, -, -); ἄγω (αγ-, αξ-, 2nd αγαγ-, αγειοχ·[κ]-, ηγ-, αχ·θ-) ηκ·σει; ηγ·σει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical; fuper mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-ARRIVE, you(sg)-will-be-ARRIVE-ed; (fut perf) [be-present, approach. Similar to: έρχομαι. except more emphasis upon destination than the journey]; bring, arrestπρὸς[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition πρός προς indecl toward (+acc,+gen,+dat) Indicative of "nearness/motion/orientation-toward" in-order-to "interface/interact-with or address/respond-to". Hence, toward/at/to/with/nearby/beside, pertaining/according-to, in-comparison-with, against(when interaction involves oppoτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ον mas acc sg the simple articleἱερέα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·α (mas) acc sg priest Lv 13:9
¶Plaga lepræ si fuerit in homine, adducetur ad sacerdotem,
1010καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyὄψεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) οφ·σεται fut mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἰδοὺ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) ιδ·ου 2aor mp imp 2nd sg be-you(sg)-SEE/BEHOLD-ed! Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both. οὐλὴ λευκὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λευκός -ή -όν λευκ·η fem nom|voc sg white ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyαὕτη[lexicon][inflect][close] Determiner (Demonstrative) οὗτος αὕτη τοῦτο [τ]αυτ·η fem nom sg this When combined, "τοῦτ’ ἔστιν" means "that is"(i.e., in-other-words).μετέβαλεν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μετα·βάλλω (μετα+βαλλ-, μετα+βαλ(ε)·[σ]-, 2nd μετα+βαλ-, μετα+βεβλη·κ-, -, -) μετα·ε·βαλ·ε(ν) 2aor act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-CHANGE/ALTER-ed τρίχα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl., irreg.) θρίξ, τριχός, ἡ, dat. pl. θριξίν τριχ·α (fem) acc sg hair λευκήν[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λευκός -ή -όν λευκ·ην fem acc sg white καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἀπὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἀπό απο indecl from (G575) – starting from (coming from, since [the start of], in order from), away/out from (from among), sent by, removingly from, receptively from, resulting/produced from, or because of (due to). ἀπ’ before smooth breathing, ἀφ’ before rough breathingτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleὑγιοῦς[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (3-3-3) ὑγιής -ές υγι(ε)·ος neu gen sg or mas gen sg or fem gen sg healthy τῆς[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ης fem gen sg the simple articleσαρκὸς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl.) σάρξ, -αρκός, ἡ σαρκ·ος (fem) gen sg flesh τῆς[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ης fem gen sg the simple articleζώσης[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ζάω (ζ(η)-/ath. ζ(η)-, ζη·σ-, ζη·σ-, -, -, -) ζ(η)·ουσ·ης pres act ptcp fem gen sg while LIVE-ing Verb from "ζωή"(life), hence live/made-alive, exist, inhabitἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple article οὐλῇLv 13:10
et videbit eum. Cumque color albus in cute fuerit, et capillorum mutaverit aspectum, ipsa quoque caro viva apparuerit :
1212ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)] ἐξανθοῦσα ἐξανθήσῃ ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleλέπρα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·α; λεπρ·α (fem) nom|voc sg; neu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sg leprosy; leprous ; ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyκαλύψῃ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb καλύπτω (καλυπτ-, καλυψ-, καλυψ-, κεκαλυφ·[κ]-, κεκαλυπτ-, καλυφ·θ-) καλυπτ·σῃ fut mp ind 2nd sg or 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sg you(sg)-will-be-COVER-ed, he/she/it-should-COVER, you(sg)-should-be-COVER-ed , conceal/cloak/veil, muffleἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleλέπρα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·α; λεπρ·α (fem) nom|voc sg; neu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sg leprosy; leprous ; πᾶν[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Indefinite Numeral) πᾶ[ντ]ς πᾶσα πᾶν[τ], gen. sg. παντός πάσης παντός παν[τ] neu nom|acc|voc sg each, every properly, each within some set, the set, implicitly defined by the local (sometimes following) context. Frequently (misleadingly) rendered by inclusive pronouns like "everyone" or "everything".τὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ο neu nom|acc sg the simple articleδέρμα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερμα[τ] (neu) nom|acc|voc sg skin [see dermatology]τῆς[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ης fem gen sg the simple articleἁφῆς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·ης (fem) gen sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)ἀπὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἀπό απο indecl from (G575) – starting from (coming from, since [the start of], in order from), away/out from (from among), sent by, removingly from, receptively from, resulting/produced from, or because of (due to). ἀπ’ before smooth breathing, ἀφ’ before rough breathingκεφαλῆς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) κεφαλή, -ῆς, ἡ κεφαλ·ης (fem) gen sg head ἕως[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction; Noun (Fem. 2nd Decl.) ἕως[1]; ἕως[2], -ω, ἡ [LXX], acc. -ω εως; ε(ω)·ος, ε(ω)·ους indecl; (fem) nom|voc sg, (fem) acc pl until; dawn, dawns , up-until/as-far-as, Often used as a conjunctive-adverbial preposition concerning time/place/number, "until +(genitive)"; ποδῶν[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl., irreg.) πούς, ποδός, ὁ (cf. βάσις) ποδ·ων (mas) gen pl feet καθ’[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition κατά καθ’ indecl down/according to/as per (+acc), against (+gen) with downward motion κατ’ before smooth breathing, καθ’ before rough breathing
w gen= down from w acc= over throughout opposite, over against, in the region of, beyond or pastὅλην[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Partitive Numeral) ὅλος -η -ον ολ·ην fem acc sg whole τὴν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ην fem acc sg the simple articleὅρασιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl.) ὅρασις, -εως, ἡ ορασ(ι)·ν (fem) acc sg vision τοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleἱερέως[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ος (mas) gen sg priest Lv 13:12
Sin autem effloruerit discurrens lepra in cute, et operuerit omnem cutem a capite usque ad pedes, quidquid sub aspectum oculorum cadit,
1616ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)]ἀποκαταστῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ἀπο·καθ·ίστημι (ath. αποκαθ+ιστ(α)-/ath. αποκαθ+ιστ(η)-, αποκατα+στη·σ-, απο+κατα+στη·σ-/αποκατα+στη·σ- or 2nd ath. απο+κατα+στ(η)-/ath. αποκατα+στ(η)-/ath. αποκατα+στ(α)-, -, -, απο+κατα+στα·θ-/αποκατα+στα·θ-) αποκατα·στ(η)·ῃ 2aor act sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-RESTORE ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleχρὼς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) χρώ[τ]ς, -ωτός, ὁ χρω[τ]·ς (mas) nom|voc sg skin ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleὑγιὴς[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (3-3-3) ὑγιής -ές υγι(ε)·^ς mas nom sg or fem nom sg healthy καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyμεταβάλῃ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μετα·βάλλω (μετα+βαλλ-, μετα+βαλ(ε)·[σ]-, 2nd μετα+βαλ-, μετα+βεβλη·κ-, -, -) μετα·βαλ(ε)·[σ]ῃ, μετα·βαλ·ῃ fut mp ind 2nd sg, 2aor act sub 3rd sg or 2aor mp sub 2nd sg you(sg)-will-be-CHANGE/ALTER-ed, he/she/it-should-CHANGE/ALTER, you(sg)-should-be-CHANGE/ALTER-ed λευκή[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λευκός -ή -όν λευκ·η fem nom|voc sg white καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἐλεύσεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ἔρχομαι (ερχ-, ελευ·σ-, ελθ·[σ]- or 2nd ελθ-, εληλυθ·[κ]-, -, -) ελευ·σεται fut mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-COME-ed "Come"; sometimes "go" or "appear". A general verb of motion, whether literal or figurative.πρὸς[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition πρός προς indecl toward (+acc,+gen,+dat) Indicative of "nearness/motion/orientation-toward" in-order-to "interface/interact-with or address/respond-to". Hence, toward/at/to/with/nearby/beside, pertaining/according-to, in-comparison-with, against(when interaction involves oppoτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ον mas acc sg the simple articleἱερέα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·α (mas) acc sg priest Lv 13:16
Quod si rursum versa fuerit in alborem, et totum hominem operuerit,
1717καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyὄψεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) οφ·σεται fut mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἰδοὺ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) ιδ·ου 2aor mp imp 2nd sg be-you(sg)-SEE/BEHOLD-ed! Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.μετέβαλεν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μετα·βάλλω (μετα+βαλλ-, μετα+βαλ(ε)·[σ]-, 2nd μετα+βαλ-, μετα+βεβλη·κ-, -, -) μετα·ε·βαλ·ε(ν) 2aor act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-CHANGE/ALTER-ed ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)εἰς[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition εἰς[1] εις indecl into +acc OF PLACE, the oldest and commonest usage into, with Verbs of saying or speaking relating to the person to whom or before whom one is speaking, Verbs expressing rest in a place, when a previous motion into or to it is implied; elliptical usage after Verbsτὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ο neu nom|acc sg the simple articleλευκόν[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λευκός -ή -όν λευκ·ον neu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sg white καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyκαθαριεῖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb καθαρίζω (καθαριζ-, καθαρι(ε)·[σ]-/καθαρι·σ-, καθαρι·σ-, -, κεκαθαρισ-, καθαρισ·θ-) καθαρι(ε)·[σ]ει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-PURIFY, you(sg)-will-be-PURIFY-ed cleanseὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest τὴν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ην fem acc sg the simple articleἁφήν[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·ην (fem) acc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)καθαρός[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) καθαρός -ά -όν καθαρ·ος mas nom sg clean ἐστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is Lv 13:17
considerabit eum sacerdos, et mundum esse decernet.
1818καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyσὰρξ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl.) σάρξ, -αρκός, ἡ σαρκ·ς (fem) nom|voc sg flesh ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.γένηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb γίνομαι/γίγν- (γιν-/γιγν-, γενη·σ-, 2nd γεν-, γεγον·[κ]-, γεγενη-, γενη·θ-) γεν·ηται 2aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-BECOME-ed become; happen; be ("as a substitute for the forms of εἰμί" --BAGD)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; ἕλκος[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) ἕλκο·ς, -ους, τό ελκ(ο)·ς (neu) nom|acc|voc sg festering wound wound, soreκαὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namely ὑγιασθῇLv 13:18
¶Caro autem et cutis in qua ulcus natum est, et sanatum,
1919καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyγένηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb γίνομαι/γίγν- (γιν-/γιγν-, γενη·σ-, 2nd γεν-, γεγον·[κ]-, γεγενη-, γενη·θ-) γεν·ηται 2aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-BECOME-ed become; happen; be ("as a substitute for the forms of εἰμί" --BAGD)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleτόπῳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 2nd Decl.) τόπος, -ου, ὁ τοπ·ῳ (mas) dat sg place τοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleἕλκους[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) ἕλκο·ς, -ους, τό ελκ(ε)·ος (neu) gen sg festering wound wound, sore οὐλὴ λευκὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λευκός -ή -όν λευκ·η fem nom|voc sg white ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than τηλαυγὴς λευκαίνουσα[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb λευκαίνω (λευκαιν-, -, λευκαν·[σ]-, -, -, λευκαν·θ-) λευκαιν·ουσ·α pres act ptcp fem nom|voc sg while WHITEN-ing ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than πυρρίζουσα καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyὀφθήσεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) οφ·θησεται fut θη ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.τῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleἱερεῖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ι (mas) dat sg priest Lv 13:19
et in loco ulceris cicatrix alba apparuerit, sive subrufa, adducetur homo ad sacerdotem.
2020καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyὄψεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) οφ·σεται fut mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἰδοὺ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) ιδ·ου 2aor mp imp 2nd sg be-you(sg)-SEE/BEHOLD-ed! Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleὄψις[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl.) ὄψις, -εως, ἡ οψ(ι)·ς (fem) nom sg sight ταπεινοτέρα[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) ταπεινό·τερος -α -ον [LXX] (Comp. of ταπεινός) ταπεινοτερ·α neu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sg lower τοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleδέρματος[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ος (neu) gen sg skin [see dermatology]καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleθρὶξ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl., irreg.) θρίξ, τριχός, ἡ, dat. pl. θριξίν τριχ·ς > irreg. θριξ (fem) nom|voc sg hair αὐτῆς[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ης fem gen sg her/it/same μετέβαλεν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μετα·βάλλω (μετα+βαλλ-, μετα+βαλ(ε)·[σ]-, 2nd μετα+βαλ-, μετα+βεβλη·κ-, -, -) μετα·ε·βαλ·ε(ν) 2aor act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-CHANGE/ALTER-ed εἰς[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition εἰς[1] εις indecl into +acc OF PLACE, the oldest and commonest usage into, with Verbs of saying or speaking relating to the person to whom or before whom one is speaking, Verbs expressing rest in a place, when a previous motion into or to it is implied; elliptical usage after Verbsλευκήν[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λευκός -ή -όν λευκ·ην fem acc sg white καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyμιανεῖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μιαίνω (μιαιν-, μιαν(ε)·[σ]-, μιαν·[σ]-, -, μεμιαν-, μιαν·θ-) μιαν(ε)·[σ]ει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-POLLUTE, you(sg)-will-be-POLLUTE-ed αὐτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεύς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest λέπρα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·α; λεπρ·α (fem) nom|voc sg; neu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sg leprosy; leprous ; ἐστίν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleἕλκει[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.); Verb ἕλκο·ς, -ους, τό; ἕλκω (ελκ-, ελκυ·σ-, ελκυ·σ-, -, -, ελκυσ·θ-) ελκ(ε)·ι; ελκ·ει (neu) dat sg; pres act ind 3rd sg or pres mp ind 2nd sg classical festering wound; he/she/it-is-PULL/DRAG-ing, you(sg)-are-being-PULL/DRAG-ed wound, sore; Fig: draw. "elkuo", "spao" ("spasm") appear synonymous for drawing a sword (Mk 14:47, Jn 18:10), suggesting a forceful pulling that overcomes any resistance. ἐξήνθησενLv 13:20
Qui cum viderit locum lepræ humiliorem carne reliqua, et pilos versos in candorem, contaminabit eum : plaga enim lepræ orta est in ulcere.
2121ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)]ἴδῃ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) ιδ·[σ]ῃ, ιδ·ῃ 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sg, 2aor act sub 3rd sg or 2aor mp sub 2nd sg he/she/it-should-SEE/BEHOLD, you(sg)-should-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἰδοὺ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) ιδ·ου 2aor mp imp 2nd sg be-you(sg)-SEE/BEHOLD-ed! Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.οὐκ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle οὐ[2]/οὐκ/οὐχ ουκ indecl not Often written "οὐκ" before smooth breathing, "οὐχ" before rough breathing, "οὐ" before consonants.ἔστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongαὐτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ῳ mas dat sg or neu dat sg him/it/same θρὶξ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl., irreg.) θρίξ, τριχός, ἡ, dat. pl. θριξίν τριχ·ς > irreg. θριξ (fem) nom|voc sg hair λευκή[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λευκός -ή -όν λευκ·η fem nom|voc sg white καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyταπεινὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) ταπεινός -ή -όν ταπειν·ον neu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sg lowly [abase, humble, humiliate, submissive]μὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle μή μη indecl not ᾖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·ῃ pres act sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be ἀπὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἀπό απο indecl from (G575) – starting from (coming from, since [the start of], in order from), away/out from (from among), sent by, removingly from, receptively from, resulting/produced from, or because of (due to). ἀπ’ before smooth breathing, ἀφ’ before rough breathingτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleδέρματος[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ος (neu) gen sg skin [see dermatology]τοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleχρωτός[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) χρώ[τ]ς, -ωτός, ὁ χρωτ·ος (mas) gen sg skin καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyαὐτὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·η fem nom sg she/it/same ᾖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·ῃ pres act sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be ἀμαυρά ἀφοριεῖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ἀφ·ορίζω (αφ+οριζ-, αφ+ορι(ε)·[σ]-/αφ+ορι·σ-, αφ+ορι·σ-, -, αφ+ωρισ-, αφ+ορισ·θ-) αφ·ορι(ε)·[σ]ει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-SEPARATE, you(sg)-will-be-SEPARATE-ed separate, set apart, appointαὐτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest ἑπτὰ[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Cardinal Numeral) ἑπτά επτα indecl seven ἡμέρας[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἡμέρα, -ας -ἡ ημερ·ας (fem) gen sg or (fem) acc pl day, days Lv 13:21
Quod si pilus coloris est pristini, et cicatrix subobscura, et vicina carne non est humilior, recludet eum septem diebus :
2323ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)]κατὰ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition κατά κατα indecl down/according to/as per (+acc), against (+gen) with downward motion κατ’ before smooth breathing, καθ’ before rough breathing
w gen= down from w acc= over throughout opposite, over against, in the region of, beyond or pastχώραν[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) χώρα, -ας, ἡ χωρ·αν (fem) acc sg region realm (clίme); land, country, territory, tract, provinceμείνῃ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μένω (μεν-, μεν(ε)·[σ]-, μειν·[σ]-, μεμενη·κ-, -, -) μειν·[σ]ῃ 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sg he/she/it-should-REMAIN, you(sg)-should-be-REMAIN-ed /stay. hence abide/dwellτὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ο neu nom|acc sg the simple article τηλαύγημα καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyμὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle μή μη indecl not διαχέηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb δια·χέω [LXX] (δια+χε-, -, δια+χε·[σ]-, -, δια+κεχυ-, δια+χυ·θ-) δια·χε·ηται, δια·χε·[σ]ηται pres mp sub 3rd sg, 1aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-being-SPREAD-ed, he/she/it-should-be-SPREAD-ed (scatter, overflow, stream, moisten (irrigate),{tear}) οὐλὴ τοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleἕλκους[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) ἕλκο·ς, -ους, τό ελκ(ε)·ος (neu) gen sg festering wound wound, soreἐστίν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyκαθαριεῖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb καθαρίζω (καθαριζ-, καθαρι(ε)·[σ]-/καθαρι·σ-, καθαρι·σ-, -, κεκαθαρισ-, καθαρισ·θ-) καθαρι(ε)·[σ]ει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-PURIFY, you(sg)-will-be-PURIFY-ed cleanseαὐτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεύς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest Lv 13:23
sin autem steterit in loco suo, ulceris est cicatrix, et homo mundus erit.
2424καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyσὰρξ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl.) σάρξ, -αρκός, ἡ σαρκ·ς (fem) nom|voc sg flesh ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.γένηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb γίνομαι/γίγν- (γιν-/γιγν-, γενη·σ-, 2nd γεν-, γεγον·[κ]-, γεγενη-, γενη·θ-) γεν·ηται 2aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-BECOME-ed become; happen; be ("as a substitute for the forms of εἰμί" --BAGD)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; κατάκαυμα πυρός[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) πῦρ, -ρός, τό πυρ·ος (neu) gen sg fire καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyγένηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb γίνομαι/γίγν- (γιν-/γιγν-, γενη·σ-, 2nd γεν-, γεγον·[κ]-, γεγενη-, γενη·θ-) γεν·ηται 2aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-BECOME-ed become; happen; be ("as a substitute for the forms of εἰμί" --BAGD)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; τὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ο neu nom|acc sg the simple article ὑγιασθὲν τοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple article κατακαύματος αὐγάζον[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb αὐγάζω (αυγαζ-, -, αυγα·σ-, -, -, -) αυγαζ·ο[υ]ν[τ] pres act ptcp mas voc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sg while SHINE-ing shine τηλαυγὲς λευκὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λευκός -ή -όν λευκ·ον neu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sg white ὑποπυρρίζον ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἔκλευκονLv 13:24
¶Caro autem et cutis, quam ignis exusserit, et sanata albam sive rufam habuerit cicatricem,
2525καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyὄψεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) οφ·σεται fut mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.αὐτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἰδοὺ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) ιδ·ου 2aor mp imp 2nd sg be-you(sg)-SEE/BEHOLD-ed! Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.μετέβαλεν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μετα·βάλλω (μετα+βαλλ-, μετα+βαλ(ε)·[σ]-, 2nd μετα+βαλ-, μετα+βεβλη·κ-, -, -) μετα·ε·βαλ·ε(ν) 2aor act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-CHANGE/ALTER-ed θρὶξ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl., irreg.) θρίξ, τριχός, ἡ, dat. pl. θριξίν τριχ·ς > irreg. θριξ (fem) nom|voc sg hair λευκὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λευκός -ή -όν λευκ·η fem nom|voc sg white εἰς[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition εἰς[1] εις indecl into +acc OF PLACE, the oldest and commonest usage into, with Verbs of saying or speaking relating to the person to whom or before whom one is speaking, Verbs expressing rest in a place, when a previous motion into or to it is implied; elliptical usage after Verbsτὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ο neu nom|acc sg the simple articleαὐγάζον[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb αὐγάζω (αυγαζ-, -, αυγα·σ-, -, -, -) αυγαζ·ο[υ]ν[τ] pres act ptcp mas voc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sg while SHINE-ing shineκαὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleὄψις[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl.) ὄψις, -εως, ἡ οψ(ι)·ς (fem) nom sg sight αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; ταπεινὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) ταπεινός -ή -όν ταπειν·η fem nom|voc sg lowly [abase, humble, humiliate, submissive]ἀπὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἀπό απο indecl from (G575) – starting from (coming from, since [the start of], in order from), away/out from (from among), sent by, removingly from, receptively from, resulting/produced from, or because of (due to). ἀπ’ before smooth breathing, ἀφ’ before rough breathingτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleδέρματος[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ος (neu) gen sg skin [see dermatology]λέπρα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·α; λεπρ·α (fem) nom|voc sg; neu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sg leprosy; leprous ; ἐστίν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple article κατακαύματι ἐξήνθησεν καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyμιανεῖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μιαίνω (μιαιν-, μιαν(ε)·[σ]-, μιαν·[σ]-, -, μεμιαν-, μιαν·θ-) μιαν(ε)·[σ]ει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-POLLUTE, you(sg)-will-be-POLLUTE-ed αὐτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεύς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest ἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)λέπρας[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·ας; λεπρ·ας (fem) gen sg; fem gen sg or fem acc pl leprosy; leprous ; ἐστίν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is Lv 13:25
considerabit eam sacerdos : et ecce versa est in alborem, et locus ejus reliqua cute est humilior, contaminabit eum, quia plaga lepræ in cicatrice orta est.
2626ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)]ἴδῃ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) ιδ·[σ]ῃ, ιδ·ῃ 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sg, 2aor act sub 3rd sg or 2aor mp sub 2nd sg he/she/it-should-SEE/BEHOLD, you(sg)-should-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἰδοὺ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) ιδ·ου 2aor mp imp 2nd sg be-you(sg)-SEE/BEHOLD-ed! Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.οὐκ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle οὐ[2]/οὐκ/οὐχ ουκ indecl not Often written "οὐκ" before smooth breathing, "οὐχ" before rough breathing, "οὐ" before consonants.ἔστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleαὐγάζοντι[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb αὐγάζω (αυγαζ-, -, αυγα·σ-, -, -, -) αυγαζ·ο[υ]ντ·ι pres act ptcp mas dat sg or pres act ptcp neu dat sg while SHINE-ing shineθρὶξ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl., irreg.) θρίξ, τριχός, ἡ, dat. pl. θριξίν τριχ·ς > irreg. θριξ (fem) nom|voc sg hair λευκή[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λευκός -ή -όν λευκ·η fem nom|voc sg white καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyταπεινὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) ταπεινός -ή -όν ταπειν·ον neu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sg lowly [abase, humble, humiliate, submissive]μὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle μή μη indecl not ᾖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·ῃ pres act sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be ἀπὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἀπό απο indecl from (G575) – starting from (coming from, since [the start of], in order from), away/out from (from among), sent by, removingly from, receptively from, resulting/produced from, or because of (due to). ἀπ’ before smooth breathing, ἀφ’ before rough breathingτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleδέρματος[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ος (neu) gen sg skin [see dermatology]αὐτὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ο neu nom|acc sg it/same δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)] ἀμαυρόν καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἀφοριεῖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ἀφ·ορίζω (αφ+οριζ-, αφ+ορι(ε)·[σ]-/αφ+ορι·σ-, αφ+ορι·σ-, -, αφ+ωρισ-, αφ+ορισ·θ-) αφ·ορι(ε)·[σ]ει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-SEPARATE, you(sg)-will-be-SEPARATE-ed separate, set apart, appointαὐτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest ἑπτὰ[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Cardinal Numeral) ἑπτά επτα indecl seven ἡμέρας[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἡμέρα, -ας -ἡ ημερ·ας (fem) gen sg or (fem) acc pl day, days Lv 13:26
Quod si pilorum color non fuerit immutatus, nec humilior plaga carne reliqua, et ipsa lepræ species fuerit subobscura, recludet eum septem diebus,
2828ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)]κατὰ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition κατά κατα indecl down/according to/as per (+acc), against (+gen) with downward motion κατ’ before smooth breathing, καθ’ before rough breathing
w gen= down from w acc= over throughout opposite, over against, in the region of, beyond or pastχώραν[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) χώρα, -ας, ἡ χωρ·αν (fem) acc sg region realm (clίme); land, country, territory, tract, provinceμείνῃ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μένω (μεν-, μεν(ε)·[σ]-, μειν·[σ]-, μεμενη·κ-, -, -) μειν·[σ]ῃ 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sg he/she/it-should-REMAIN, you(sg)-should-be-REMAIN-ed /stay. hence abide/dwellτὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ο neu nom|acc sg the simple articleαὐγάζον[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb αὐγάζω (αυγαζ-, -, αυγα·σ-, -, -, -) αυγαζ·ο[υ]ν[τ] pres act ptcp mas voc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sg while SHINE-ing shineκαὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyμὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle μή μη indecl not διαχυθῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb δια·χέω [LXX] (δια+χε-, -, δια+χε·[σ]-, -, δια+κεχυ-, δια+χυ·θ-) δια·χυ·θῃ aor θη sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-SPREAD-ed (scatter, overflow, stream, moisten (irrigate),{tear})ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]αὐτὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·η fem nom sg she/it/same δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)]ᾖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·ῃ pres act sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be ἀμαυρά ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple article οὐλὴ τοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple article κατακαύματός ἐστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyκαθαριεῖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb καθαρίζω (καθαριζ-, καθαρι(ε)·[σ]-/καθαρι·σ-, καθαρι·σ-, -, κεκαθαρισ-, καθαρισ·θ-) καθαρι(ε)·[σ]ει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-PURIFY, you(sg)-will-be-PURIFY-ed cleanseαὐτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεύς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleγὰρ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction γάρ γαρ indecl for since, asχαρακτὴρ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) χαρακτήρ, -ῆρος, ὁ χαρακτηρ (mas) nom|voc sg imprint Transliteration: charakterτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple article κατακαύματός ἐστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is Lv 13:28
Sin autem in loco suo candor steterit non satis clarus, plaga combustionis est, et idcirco mundabitur, quia cicatrix est combusturæ.
2929καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἀνδρὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἀνήρ, ἀνδρός, ὁ, voc. sg. ἄνερ ανδρ·ι (mas) dat sg man (as distinct from woman, beast, god, etc); sometimes "husband".καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyγυναικὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl., irreg.) γυνή, -αικος, ἡ, voc. sg. γύναι γυναικ·ι (fem) dat sg woman/wife ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.γένηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb γίνομαι/γίγν- (γιν-/γιγν-, γενη·σ-, 2nd γεν-, γεγον·[κ]-, γεγενη-, γενη·θ-) γεν·ηται 2aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-BECOME-ed become; happen; be ("as a substitute for the forms of εἰμί" --BAGD)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongαὐτοῖς[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·οις mas dat pl or neu dat pl them/same ἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)λέπρας[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·ας; λεπρ·ας (fem) gen sg; fem gen sg or fem acc pl leprosy; leprous ; ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple articleκεφαλῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) κεφαλή, -ῆς, ἡ κεφαλ·ῃ (fem) dat sg head ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple article πώγωνιLv 13:29
¶Vir, sive mulier, in cujus capite vel barba germinaverit lepra, videbit eos sacerdos.
3838καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἀνδρὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἀνήρ, ἀνδρός, ὁ, voc. sg. ἄνερ ανδρ·ι (mas) dat sg man (as distinct from woman, beast, god, etc); sometimes "husband".ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than γυναικὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl., irreg.) γυνή, -αικος, ἡ, voc. sg. γύναι γυναικ·ι (fem) dat sg woman/wife ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.γένηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb γίνομαι/γίγν- (γιν-/γιγν-, γενη·σ-, 2nd γεν-, γεγον·[κ]-, γεγενη-, γενη·θ-) γεν·ηται 2aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-BECOME-ed become; happen; be ("as a substitute for the forms of εἰμί" --BAGD)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]τῆς[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ης fem gen sg the simple articleσαρκὸς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl.) σάρξ, -αρκός, ἡ σαρκ·ος (fem) gen sg flesh αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; αὐγάσματα αὐγάζοντα[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb αὐγάζω (αυγαζ-, -, αυγα·σ-, -, -, -) αυγαζ·ο[υ]ντ·α pres act ptcp mas acc sg or pres act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc pl while SHINE-ing shine λευκαθίζονταLv 13:38
¶Vir, sive mulier, in cujus cute candor apparuerit,
4040ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.δέ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)]τινι[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Indefinite Numeral) τὶ[ν]ς[2] τὶ[ν], gen. τινός, dat. τινί, acc. τινά τὶ τιν·ι neu dat sg or mas dat sg or fem dat sg someone/anyone indefinite pronoun; someone, something, anyone, anything. Specific(certain-one/some) determined from text-markings/context, otherwise non-specific (anyone/several). μαδήσῃ ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleκεφαλὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) κεφαλή, -ῆς, ἡ κεφαλ·η (fem) nom|voc sg head αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; φαλακρός ἐστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is καθαρός[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) καθαρός -ά -όν καθαρ·ος mas nom sg clean ἐστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is Lv 13:40
¶Vir, de cujus capite capilli fluunt, calvus et mundus est :
4141ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)]κατὰ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition κατά κατα indecl down/according to/as per (+acc), against (+gen) with downward motion κατ’ before smooth breathing, καθ’ before rough breathing
w gen= down from w acc= over throughout opposite, over against, in the region of, beyond or pastπρόσωπον[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) πρόσ·ωπον, -ου, τό προσωπ·ον (neu) nom|acc|voc sg face face/countenance; person; (external) appearance μαδήσῃ ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleκεφαλὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) κεφαλή, -ῆς, ἡ κεφαλ·η (fem) nom|voc sg head αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; ἀναφάλαντός ἐστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is καθαρός[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) καθαρός -ά -όν καθαρ·ος mas nom sg clean ἐστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is Lv 13:41
et si a fronte ceciderint pili, recalvaster et mundus est.
4242ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)]γένηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb γίνομαι/γίγν- (γιν-/γιγν-, γενη·σ-, 2nd γεν-, γεγον·[κ]-, γεγενη-, γενη·θ-) γεν·ηται 2aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-BECOME-ed become; happen; be ("as a substitute for the forms of εἰμί" --BAGD)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple article φαλακρώματι αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple article ἀναφαλαντώματι αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; ἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)λευκὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λευκός -ή -όν λευκ·η fem nom|voc sg white ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than πυρρίζουσα λέπρα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·α; λεπρ·α (fem) nom|voc sg; neu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sg leprosy; leprous ; ἐστὶν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple article φαλακρώματι αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple article ἀναφαλαντώματι αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; Lv 13:42
Sin autem in calvitio sive in recalvatione albus vel rufus color fuerit exortus,
4343καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyὄψεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) οφ·σεται fut mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.αὐτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἰδοὺ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) ιδ·ου 2aor mp imp 2nd sg be-you(sg)-SEE/BEHOLD-ed! Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleὄψις[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl.) ὄψις, -εως, ἡ οψ(ι)·ς (fem) nom sg sight τῆς[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ης fem gen sg the simple articleἁφῆς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·ης (fem) gen sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)λευκὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λευκός -ή -όν λευκ·η fem nom|voc sg white πυρρίζουσα ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple article φαλακρώματι αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple article ἀναφαλαντώματι αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; ὡς[lexicon][inflect][close] Adverb ὡς ως indecl as/like εἶδος[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.); Verb εἶδο·ς, -ους, τό; οἶδα (ath. ιδ-/ath. ειδ(ε)-/ath. ειδ-, ειδη·σ-/ει[δ]·σ-, ειδη·σ-, οιδ·[κ]-/ειδ·[κ]-, -, -) ειδ(ο)·ς; ειδ·[κ]ο[τ]·ς (neu) nom|acc|voc sg; perf act ptcp mas voc sg or perf act ptcp neu nom|acc|voc sg form; having BEHOLD/PERCEIVE-ed that which is seen (form, shape, outward appearance), so: type, kind, class; /perceive/be-aware-of/be-acquainted-with/notice. Often rendered "know" (by beholding/observing), in contrast to "γινώσκω" (know by thinking/reasoning/experiencing), or " horao", to "know" by seeing.λέπρας[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·ας; λεπρ·ας (fem) gen sg; fem gen sg or fem acc pl leprosy; leprous ; ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]τῆς[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ης fem gen sg the simple articleσαρκὸς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl.) σάρξ, -αρκός, ἡ σαρκ·ος (fem) gen sg flesh αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; Lv 13:43
et hoc sacerdos viderit, condemnabit eum haud dubiæ lepræ, quæ orta est in calvitio.
4444ἄνθρωπος[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 2nd Decl.) ἄνθρωπος, -ου, ὁ ανθρωπ·ος (mas) nom sg person "man, both as a generic term and of individuals" (Liddell, Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon) Often means "human being", but can refer specifically to a man/men (when required by context).λεπρός[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·ος mas nom sg leprous ἐστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is μιάνσει μιανεῖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μιαίνω (μιαιν-, μιαν(ε)·[σ]-, μιαν·[σ]-, -, μεμιαν-, μιαν·θ-) μιαν(ε)·[σ]ει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-POLLUTE, you(sg)-will-be-POLLUTE-ed αὐτὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ον mas acc sg him/it/same ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεύς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple articleκεφαλῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) κεφαλή, -ῆς, ἡ κεφαλ·ῃ (fem) dat sg head αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)αὐτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ου mas gen sg or neu gen sg him/it/same ; Lv 13:44
Quicumque ergo maculatus fuerit lepra, et separatus est ad arbitrium sacerdotis,
4747καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἱματίῳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) ἱμάτιον, -ου, τό ιματι·ῳ (neu) dat sg garment clothing, usually outer; clothἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.γένηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb γίνομαι/γίγν- (γιν-/γιγν-, γενη·σ-, 2nd γεν-, γεγον·[κ]-, γεγενη-, γενη·θ-) γεν·ηται 2aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-BECOME-ed become; happen; be ("as a substitute for the forms of εἰμί" --BAGD)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongαὐτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ῳ mas dat sg or neu dat sg him/it/same ἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)λέπρας[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·ας; λεπρ·ας (fem) gen sg; fem gen sg or fem acc pl leprosy; leprous ; ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongἱματίῳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) ἱμάτιον, -ου, τό ιματι·ῳ (neu) dat sg garment clothing, usually outer; cloth ἐρεῷ ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongἱματίῳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) ἱμάτιον, -ου, τό ιματι·ῳ (neu) dat sg garment clothing, usually outer; cloth στιππυίνῳLv 13:47
4848ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, among στήμονι ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, among κρόκῃ ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτοῖς[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·οις neu dat pl or mas dat pl the simple articleλινοῖς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) λίνον, -ου, τό λιν·οις (neu) dat pl linen/flax ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτοῖς[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·οις neu dat pl or mas dat pl the simple article ἐρεοῖς ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongπαντὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Indefinite Numeral) πᾶ[ντ]ς πᾶσα πᾶν[τ], gen. sg. παντός πάσης παντός παντ·ι neu dat sg or mas dat sg each, every properly, each within some set, the set, implicitly defined by the local (sometimes following) context. Frequently (misleadingly) rendered by inclusive pronouns like "everyone" or "everything". ἐργασίμῳ δέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]Lv 13:48
in stamine atque subtegmine, aut certe pellis, vel quidquid ex pelle confectum est,
4949καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyγένηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb γίνομαι/γίγν- (γιν-/γιγν-, γενη·σ-, 2nd γεν-, γεγον·[κ]-, γεγενη-, γενη·θ-) γεν·ηται 2aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-BECOME-ed become; happen; be ("as a substitute for the forms of εἰμί" --BAGD)ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection) χλωρίζουσα ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than πυρρίζουσα ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleἱματίῳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) ἱμάτιον, -ου, τό ιματι·ῳ (neu) dat sg garment clothing, usually outer; clothἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple article στήμονι ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple article κρόκῃ ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongπαντὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Indefinite Numeral) πᾶ[ντ]ς πᾶσα πᾶν[τ], gen. sg. παντός πάσης παντός παντ·ι neu dat sg or mas dat sg each, every properly, each within some set, the set, implicitly defined by the local (sometimes following) context. Frequently (misleadingly) rendered by inclusive pronouns like "everyone" or "everything".σκεύει[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) σκεῦο·ς, -ους, τό σκευ(ε)·ι (neu) dat sg vessel vessel or implement of any kind ἐργασίμῳ δέρματος[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ος (neu) gen sg skin [see dermatology]ἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)λέπρας[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·ας; λεπρ·ας (fem) gen sg; fem gen sg or fem acc pl leprosy; leprous ; ἐστίν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyδείξει[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb δείκνυμι a.k.a. δεικνύω (ath. δεικνυ-, δειξ-, δειξ-, -, -, δειχ·θ-) δεικ·σει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-SHOW, you(sg)-will-be-SHOW-ed proveτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleἱερεῖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ι (mas) dat sg priest Lv 13:49
si alba vel rufa macula fuerit infecta, lepra reputabitur, ostendeturque sacerdoti :
5151καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyὄψεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) οφ·σεται fut mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest τὴν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ην fem acc sg the simple articleἁφὴν[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·ην (fem) acc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)τῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple articleἡμέρᾳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἡμέρα, -ας -ἡ ημερ·ᾳ (fem) dat sg day τῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple articleἑβδόμῃ[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Ordinal Numeral) ἕβδομος -η -ον εβδομ·ῃ fem dat sg seventh ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)]διαχέηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb δια·χέω [LXX] (δια+χε-, -, δια+χε·[σ]-, -, δια+κεχυ-, δια+χυ·θ-) δια·χε·ηται, δια·χε·[σ]ηται pres mp sub 3rd sg, 1aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-being-SPREAD-ed, he/she/it-should-be-SPREAD-ed (scatter, overflow, stream, moisten (irrigate),{tear})ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleἱματίῳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) ἱμάτιον, -ου, τό ιματι·ῳ (neu) dat sg garment clothing, usually outer; clothἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple article στήμονι ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple article κρόκῃ ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleδέρματι[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ι (neu) dat sg skin [see dermatology]κατὰ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition κατά κατα indecl down/according to/as per (+acc), against (+gen) with downward motion κατ’ before smooth breathing, καθ’ before rough breathing
w gen= down from w acc= over throughout opposite, over against, in the region of, beyond or pastπάντα[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Indefinite Numeral) πᾶ[ντ]ς πᾶσα πᾶν[τ], gen. sg. παντός πάσης παντός παντ·α neu nom|acc|voc pl or mas acc sg all, each, every properly, each within some set, the set, implicitly defined by the local (sometimes following) context. Frequently (misleadingly) rendered by inclusive pronouns like "everyone" or "everything".ὅσα[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (Relative) ὅσος -η -ον οσ·α neu nom|acc pl as much/many as ἂν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἄν αν indecl ever ποιηθῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ποιέω (ποι(ε)-, ποιη·σ-, ποιη·σ-, πεποιη·κ-, πεποιη-, ποιη·θ-) ποιη·θῃ aor θη sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-DO/MAKE-ed δέρματα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·α (neu) nom|acc|voc pl skins [see dermatology]ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple articleἐργασίᾳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἐργασία, -ας, ἡ εργασι·ᾳ (fem) dat sg business/pursuits λέπρα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·α; λεπρ·α (fem) nom|voc sg; neu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sg leprosy; leprous ; ἔμμονός ἐστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleἁφή[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)ἀκάθαρτός[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-2-2) ἀ·κάθαρτος -ον ακαθαρτ·ος mas nom sg or fem nom sg unclean (impure)ἐστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is Lv 13:51
et die septimo rursus aspiciens, si deprehenderit crevisse, lepra perseverans est : pollutum judicabit vestimentum, et omne in quo fuerit inventa :
5252κατακαύσει[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb κατα·καίω (κατα+και-, κατα+καυ·σ-, κατα+καυ·σ-, -, κατα+κεκαυ-, κατα+καυ·θ-/κατα+κα·[θ]-) κατα·καυ·σει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-BURN-UP, you(sg)-will-be-BURN-UP-ed Lit:burn-down, hence consume-by-fire; consume wholly, burn-up-utterly.τὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ο neu nom|acc sg the simple articleἱμάτιον[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) ἱμάτιον, -ου, τό ιματι·ον (neu) nom|acc|voc sg garment clothing, usually outer; clothἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than τὸν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ον mas acc sg the simple article στήμονα ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than τὴν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ην fem acc sg the simple article κρόκην ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτοῖς[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·οις neu dat pl or mas dat pl the simple article ἐρεοῖς ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτοῖς[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·οις neu dat pl or mas dat pl the simple articleλινοῖς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) λίνον, -ου, τό λιν·οις (neu) dat pl linen/flax ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongπαντὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Indefinite Numeral) πᾶ[ντ]ς πᾶσα πᾶν[τ], gen. sg. παντός πάσης παντός παντ·ι neu dat sg or mas dat sg each, every properly, each within some set, the set, implicitly defined by the local (sometimes following) context. Frequently (misleadingly) rendered by inclusive pronouns like "everyone" or "everything".σκεύει[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) σκεῦο·ς, -ους, τό σκευ(ε)·ι (neu) dat sg vessel vessel or implement of any kindδερματίνῳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) δερμάτινος -η -ον δερματιν·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg leather ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongᾧ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (Relative) ὅς ἥ ὅ ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg who/whom/which ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.ᾖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·ῃ pres act sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongαὐτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ῳ mas dat sg or neu dat sg him/it/same ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleἁφή[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)ὅτι[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction ὅτι οτι indecl because/that λέπρα[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.); Adjective (2-1-2) λέπρα, -ας, ἡ; λεπρός -ά -όν λεπρ·α; λεπρ·α (fem) nom|voc sg; neu nom|acc|voc pl or fem nom|voc sg leprosy; leprous ; ἔμμονός ἐστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongπυρὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) πῦρ, -ρός, τό πυρ·ι (neu) dat sg fire κατακαυθήσεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb κατα·καίω (κατα+και-, κατα+καυ·σ-, κατα+καυ·σ-, -, κατα+κεκαυ-, κατα+καυ·θ-/κατα+κα·[θ]-) κατα·καυ·θησεται fut θη ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-BURN-UP-ed Lit:burn-down, hence consume-by-fire; consume wholly, burn-up-utterly.Lv 13:52
5353ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)]ἴδῃ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) ιδ·[σ]ῃ, ιδ·ῃ 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sg, 2aor act sub 3rd sg or 2aor mp sub 2nd sg he/she/it-should-SEE/BEHOLD, you(sg)-should-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyμὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle μή μη indecl not διαχέηται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb δια·χέω [LXX] (δια+χε-, -, δια+χε·[σ]-, -, δια+κεχυ-, δια+χυ·θ-) δια·χε·ηται, δια·χε·[σ]ηται pres mp sub 3rd sg, 1aor mp sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-being-SPREAD-ed, he/she/it-should-be-SPREAD-ed (scatter, overflow, stream, moisten (irrigate),{tear})ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleἱματίῳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) ἱμάτιον, -ου, τό ιματι·ῳ (neu) dat sg garment clothing, usually outer; clothἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple article στήμονι ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple article κρόκῃ ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongπαντὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Quantifier (Indefinite Numeral) πᾶ[ντ]ς πᾶσα πᾶν[τ], gen. sg. παντός πάσης παντός παντ·ι neu dat sg or mas dat sg each, every properly, each within some set, the set, implicitly defined by the local (sometimes following) context. Frequently (misleadingly) rendered by inclusive pronouns like "everyone" or "everything".σκεύει[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) σκεῦο·ς, -ους, τό σκευ(ε)·ι (neu) dat sg vessel vessel or implement of any kindδερματίνῳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-1-2) δερμάτινος -η -ον δερματιν·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg leather Lv 13:53
5555καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyὄψεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) οφ·σεται fut mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest μετὰ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition μετά μετα indecl after/against(+acc), with(+gen) Truncated before vowels: μετ’ (smooth breathing), μεθ’ (rough breathing).τὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ο neu nom|acc sg the simple articleπλυθῆναι[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb πλύνω (πλυν-, πλυν(ε)·[σ]-, πλυν·[σ]-, -, -, πλυ·θ-) πλυ·θηναι aor θη inf to-be-WASH-ed αὐτὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ο neu nom|acc sg it/same τὴν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ην fem acc sg the simple articleἁφήν[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·ην (fem) acc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἥδε[lexicon][inflect][close] Determiner (Demonstrative) ὅ·δε ἥ·δε τό·δε [τ]·η·δε fem nom sg this demonstrative pronoun ὁ, ἡ, τό added to the enclitic "δε", and declined like the pronoun according to case = "this", "thus", "such-and-such", etc.μὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle μή μη indecl not μετέβαλεν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb μετα·βάλλω (μετα+βαλλ-, μετα+βαλ(ε)·[σ]-, 2nd μετα+βαλ-, μετα+βεβλη·κ-, -, -) μετα·ε·βαλ·ε(ν) 2aor act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-CHANGE/ALTER-ed τὴν[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ην fem acc sg the simple articleὄψιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 3rd Decl.) ὄψις, -εως, ἡ οψ(ι)·ν (fem) acc sg sight ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleἁφή[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)οὐ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle οὐ[2]/οὐκ/οὐχ ου indecl not Often written "οὐκ" before smooth breathing, "οὐχ" before rough breathing, "οὐ" before consonants.διαχεῖται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb δια·χέω [LXX] (δια+χε-, -, δια+χε·[σ]-, -, δια+κεχυ-, δια+χυ·θ-) irreg. δια·χ(ε)·εται (for δια·χε·εται > διαχεεται) pres mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is-being-SPREAD-ed (scatter, overflow, stream, moisten (irrigate),{tear})ἀκάθαρτόν[lexicon][inflect][close] Adjective (2-2-2) ἀ·κάθαρτος -ον ακαθαρτ·ον neu nom|acc|voc sg or mas acc sg or fem acc sg unclean (impure)ἐστιν[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·^σι(ν) pres act ind 3rd sg he/she/it-is ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongπυρὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) πῦρ, -ρός, τό πυρ·ι (neu) dat sg fire κατακαυθήσεται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb κατα·καίω (κατα+και-, κατα+καυ·σ-, κατα+καυ·σ-, -, κατα+κεκαυ-, κατα+καυ·θ-/κατα+κα·[θ]-) κατα·καυ·θησεται fut θη ind 3rd sg he/she/it-will-be-BURN-UP-ed Lit:burn-down, hence consume-by-fire; consume wholly, burn-up-utterly.ἐστήρισται[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb στηρίζω (στηριζ-, στηρι(ε)·[σ]-/στηρι·σ-/στηριξ-, στηρι·σ-/στηριξ-, εστηρι·κ-, εστηρι-/εστηρισ-/εστηριγ-, στηρισ·θ-/στηριχ·θ-) εστηρισ·ται perf mp ind 3rd sg he/she/it-has-been-SUPPORT-ed Lit:"make-stand-fixed", hence uphold, buoy, buttress, base, substantiateἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleἱματίῳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) ἱμάτιον, -ου, τό ιματι·ῳ (neu) dat sg garment clothing, usually outer; clothἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple article στήμονι ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple article κρόκῃLv 13:55
Et cum viderit faciem quidem pristinam non reversam, nec tamen crevisse lepram, immundum judicabit, et igne comburet, eo quod infusa sit in superficie vestimenti, vel per totum, lepra.
5656καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.ἴδῃ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) ιδ·[σ]ῃ, ιδ·ῃ 1aor act sub 3rd sg or 1aor mp sub 2nd sg, 2aor act sub 3rd sg or 2aor mp sub 2nd sg he/she/it-should-SEE/BEHOLD, you(sg)-should-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ὁ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·ο[ς] mas nom sg the simple articleἱερεὺς[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Mas. 3rd Decl.) ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ ιερ(ευ)·ς (mas) nom sg priest καὶ[lexicon][inflect][close] Conjunction καί και indecl and also, even, namelyᾖ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb εἰμί[1] (ath. (εσ)-/(εσ)-, εσ·[σ]-, -, -, -, -) (εσ)·ῃ pres act sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be ἀμαυρὰ ἡ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό [τ]·η fem nom sg the simple articleἁφὴ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Fem. 1st Decl.) ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ αφ·η (fem) nom|voc sg ligament (connection, LXX plague, infection)μετὰ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition μετά μετα indecl after/against(+acc), with(+gen) Truncated before vowels: μετ’ (smooth breathing), μεθ’ (rough breathing).τὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ο neu nom|acc sg the simple articleπλυθῆναι[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb πλύνω (πλυν-, πλυν(ε)·[σ]-, πλυν·[σ]-, -, -, πλυ·θ-) πλυ·θηναι aor θη inf to-be-WASH-ed αὐτό[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ο neu nom|acc sg it/same ἀπορρήξει[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ἀπο·ρρήγνυμι [LXX] (-, απο+ρρηξ-, απο+ρρηξ-, -, -, απο+ρραγ·[θ]-) απο·ρρηγ·σει fut act ind 3rd sg or fut mp ind 2nd sg classical he/she/it-will-STRIKE OFF, you(sg)-will-be-STRIKE OFF-ed beat off, snap off, break asunder (but not the same as tear asunder as in χωριζω which is to divide or separate in Matt 19:6)αὐτὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Pronoun (3rd Person) αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό αυτ·ο neu nom|acc sg it/same ἀπὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἀπό απο indecl from (G575) – starting from (coming from, since [the start of], in order from), away/out from (from among), sent by, removingly from, receptively from, resulting/produced from, or because of (due to). ἀπ’ before smooth breathing, ἀφ’ before rough breathingτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleἱματίου[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) ἱμάτιον, -ου, τό ιματι·ου (neu) gen sg garment clothing, usually outer; clothἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἀπὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἀπό απο indecl from (G575) – starting from (coming from, since [the start of], in order from), away/out from (from among), sent by, removingly from, receptively from, resulting/produced from, or because of (due to). ἀπ’ before smooth breathing, ἀφ’ before rough breathingτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple articleδέρματος[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 3rd Decl.) δέρμα[τ], -ατος, τό δερματ·ος (neu) gen sg skin [see dermatology]ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἀπὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἀπό απο indecl from (G575) – starting from (coming from, since [the start of], in order from), away/out from (from among), sent by, removingly from, receptively from, resulting/produced from, or because of (due to). ἀπ’ before smooth breathing, ἀφ’ before rough breathingτοῦ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ου neu gen sg or mas gen sg the simple article στήμονος ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἀπὸ[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἀπό απο indecl from (G575) – starting from (coming from, since [the start of], in order from), away/out from (from among), sent by, removingly from, receptively from, resulting/produced from, or because of (due to). ἀπ’ before smooth breathing, ἀφ’ before rough breathingτῆς[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ης fem gen sg the simple article κρόκηςLv 13:56
Sin autem obscurior fuerit locus lepræ, postquam vestis est lota, abrumpet eum, et a solido dividet.
5757ἐὰν[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἐάν (εἰ ἄν) εαν indecl if haply, therefore if, followed by subj. (whereas εἰ is foll. by ind. or opt.), epic εἴ κε, αἴ κε. in NTest. ἐάν is used just like the adverb ἄν after relative Pronouns and Conjunctions, as ὃς ἐάν whosoever, ὅσος ἐάν, ὅστις ἐάν, ὅπου ἐάν, etc.δὲ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle δέ δε indecl but/however/moreover/yet [postpositive particle; adversative (but/however), continuitive (and/now/also/moreover), contrastive (yet); in constructions with μέν... δέ (on the one hand... but...)]ὀφθῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Verb ὁράω a.k.a. εἶδον (ορ(α)-, οψ-, οψ-/ιδ·[σ]- or 2nd ιδ-, εορα·κ-/εωρα·κ-, εορα-/εωρα-/ωφ-, ορα·θ-/οφ·θ-) οφ·θῃ aor θη sub 3rd sg he/she/it-should-be-SEE/BEHOLD-ed Often fig: discern/perceive/experience/notice/attend-to and usually rendered "behold" when aorist-imperative. Distinct from "οἶδα" (G1492, know-by-seeing), "βλεπω" (see/look-at). Mt13:17 uses both.ἔτι[lexicon][inflect][close] Adverb ἔτι ετι indecl yet/still/ while ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple articleἱματίῳ[lexicon][inflect][close] Noun (Neu. 2nd Decl.) ἱμάτιον, -ου, τό ιματι·ῳ (neu) dat sg garment clothing, usually outer; clothἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῷ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῳ neu dat sg or mas dat sg the simple article στήμονι ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongτῇ[lexicon][inflect][close] Article (Definite) ὁ ἡ τό τ·ῃ fem dat sg the simple article κρόκῃ ἢ[lexicon][inflect][close] Particle ἤ[1] η indecl or/than ἐν[lexicon][inflect][close] Preposition ἐν εν indecl in/with/by (+dat) - εν to see with; prep. at, in; adv. wherein, by; σε pron. thee and prep. in, into, amongπαντὶ[